Let's walk it out.....

I hope I can bring a little encouragement to you today.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

It's Supposed to be a Garden

I can't believe its been so long since my last blog, I sure have had plenty to say, just no motive to share I guess.  I looked around today at my yard and saw a parallel to the condition of my attitude, if you want to call it that.  Neglect. That about sums it all up.  I have been neglecting my yard for several reasons: its been hot, I've been tired, I've been gone much of the summer (or maybe it just sounds good), and there really aren't that many plants to take care of so I don't see the point in attending to any of them.  As a result weeds have grown in and taken over, some of the herbs I love have burned up due to lack of watering, and the pots of dirt that haven't been used for flowers have consequently been used by the cats and give off that horrible odor that keeps me from enjoying my patio.

Wow!  I have really thrown it all out there, you probably didn't really care to know all that (especially about the cats), but admittedly that's been the condition of my spritual life lately as well.  I have had the same attitude about myself as I have had about my yard: so much neglect, and no concern about what happens to it.  I have allowed weeds like passivity and compromise choke me out.  Rarely have I sat still long enough to allow God to water me with His word, so I've dried up.  There are so many excuses I could use: I don't have the time, I'm too tired, I'll do it later, what good is it really?

And now I look at my life and my attitude and see the weeds taking over, I've been burned by the things of this world, and I'm down right putrid.  I think I've finally come to the point of doing something about it.  I need to surrender and let the Gardener come in and clean up my mess, soak me in the Living water, and cut out the things that harm my growth. 

A garden provides beauty or nourishment for others to benefit from.  I want to believe I have much to offer those around me in this hurting and barren land.  I want to be "like a tree planted by the rivers of water that brings forth its fruit in its season, whose leaf shall not whither, and whatever he does shall prosper."  (Ps 1:3) 

How about it?