Let's walk it out.....

I hope I can bring a little encouragement to you today.

Tuesday, March 1, 2011

What Are You Gonna Do..Just Stand There?

My 6yr old and I are reading through the Old Testament and we are now at my favorite section....times of the prophets and wars!  That may sound brutal coming from a gentile-woman but I find so much courage for my own life as I read it.  Each account and situation is different and the Lord, creative and powerful, acts on behalf of Israel and Judah to bring success no matter what the odds, but only as each leader inquires of Him.  In fact, in several accounts, He dwindled down the army of Israel to a ridiculous number and Israel came out of it victorious against their enemies.

Today we reached my favorite outcome.  Jehoshaphat, king of Judah, was faced with a multitude of enemies coming against them.  The king was afraid, but immediately turned to the Lord, recognizing that God alone could change that which threatened their future.  The Lord sent word not to be afraid but to meet their enemies in the Valley.  In fact, He said they wouldn't even have to fight....just stand there. Wow!  I don't know anyone (including myself) that would go into battle without giving everything they had to survive. 

So the army gathered in expectation, assigning the singers to the front line, and when they arrived where they should meet their enemy they found no one alive to fight.  While the worshippers led the army, God had turned their enemies against each other, and victory was won before they ever showed up.  None of their lives had to be lost.  Judah then gathered up for three days the riches of the spoil that was left by their would-be attackers.  And if that weren't enough, all the surrounding countries heard what happened and left Judah at peace for fear of their God.  Now that's amazing Victory!

Does any of that speak to you like it does me?  When we are afraid to face the threat that comes against us (fill in the blank), God says don't be afraid because He has a plan for our success.  We are to meet with our fear not run from it, worshipping Him who works beyond our sight, and resting in the outcome...or should I say gather up the riches of His victory on your behalf!  I need to read this everyday; I forget so easily.

I recently had a conversation with a dear friend facing some serious issues that threaten her life, a precious life of sincerity and devotion.  Of one thing she is sure...the battle IS the Lord's.  As she rests in His promises and worships Him, even though she can't see what the Lord is up to she can trust that the victory and the riches are hers.

2 Chronicles 20.